The evening will begin with worship and include the sounds of our first-ever assembled virtual Association Choir! Participation is very easy. The only requirement is to have headphones, and a recording device (computer, cell phone or camera). If you are interested, e-mail Katherine Howe with the part that you typically sing (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass).
We are thrilled to announce that our keynote speaker will be our new Executive Conference Minister, The Reverend Darrell Goodwin! Given that Rev. Goodwin doesn't officially begin his work with our Conference until January, we are especially grateful to be able to host him in October.
Other parts of our meeting will include a chance to meet in small break-out rooms to explore and imagine new ministry initiatives for our Association in 2021.
The business agenda will include: Review and approval of the 2021 Budget; and, approval of the slate of nominations for elected positions.
Once registered, you will receive the necessary Zoom link and all materials related to the Annual Meeting.
The Annual Meeting is being held via Zoom beginning at 7:00pm with a time of fellowship before the meeting between 6:30 - 7:00 p.m.