Faith Formation programs

Complete the Contact Form above for more information or to register for the programs listed below.

  • Nursery

    The Nursery at Newman Congregational Church is staffed by one of our Professional staff, Becky or Sue, and a volunteer each week. Both are First Aid/CPR certified and have a background in Early Childhood.  Infants and children through age 4 are welcome during worship to join this space for play and care. The Nursery also has a place for parents to change diapers and rock their little ones if it is needed. 

  • Confirmation

    Email out to to be added to the list.

  • faith based discussion

    The Faith Based Discussion is a group that meets every Friday morning (September - June at 9:30am via Zoom) to discuss a variety of ideas in relationship to faith. News articles, short stories, and books are all used alongside scripture to discuss the application to the time and our lives. Participants come from diverse theological backgrounds and welcome others to share their perspectives on life, faith, and spirituality.   Interested parties should email the Church Office at

  • High school youth group

    Our High School Youth Group offers a time for students to gather together for fellowship, fun and spiritual guidance. Our Youth Group often explores conversations around racial equity, environmental justice and a variety of faith concepts. We utilize an interfaith model to ensure inclusiveness in our open and affirming space.

Upcoming Events

Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...