covid-19 memorial


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Inspired by The New York Times' May 24th front page listing of the names of 1,000 people who had died due to COVID-19, Newman UCC created a Memorial on its front lawn to honor our Rhode Island neighbors who have died. Individual ribbons were placed on the church's fence line, each signifying a life lost. And as the numbers changed daily, additional ribbons were added.

This installation was also an invitation to the wider community to join in its creation. Our neighbors were invited to write the name of a loved one they had lost on a ribbon as part of the Memorial. 

With the changing seasons, the decision has been made to remove the Memorial from the fence and install it here, online, still with the invitation to submit names to be added. Submit a name using the form above.

As a community, we continue to come together to name those whom we love, remembering that they are more than part of a daily statistic. These are our neighbors, our parents, siblings, children and friends. They deserve to be remembered as such.

Scroll below to read the names of those, our neighbors, whom we have lost to COVID-19.

our neighbors

Rafael Escalera Verdejo ~ Marie ~ Ida ~ Nancy L. MacDonald ~ Joe ~ Florence Contois ~ Sonny Facha ~ Michelene Facha ~ Norman Gonsalves ~ Pam ~ Sharon ~ Lynne Raposa Allard ~ Sister Mary Angelus ~ Carmela B. ~ Carol Decoteaux ~ Rev. Joseph Mendes ~ Pam F. ~ Tony Santos ~ Rene Godin ~ Kenneth Macksoud ~ Nancy Handshaw ~ Kimberly Handshaw ~ Conrad E. Girard ~ Muriel Lemoie ~ Dorothy Estrella ~